Blacksmithing at
LBNewham learning zone 03-02-14
I made this traditional Swedish ladies knife from a car coil
spring from Jo (Abney Park Cemetery).
I have been trying to forge a large broad axe
from a bus spring. This has proved to be very much harder than I thought;
having given myself tennis elbow I am now taking things easy.
Half term week
Not wishing to waste all that free workshop space at school,
I thought I would catch up on a few unfinished bits.
A friend of mine gave me a rather fine billhook from his
wife’s grandfather! It needed a new handle and some edge protection. The handle as you can see is from laburnum, the sapwood makes it really pretty.
My second adze and third head – this time made from a
straight-pein hammer – note the twist in the blade.
Th ese adze covers are very time consuming and consequently
expensive to make, which is why I guess they do not come with protection. I do not like riveted covers, although I should try some smaller headed rivets.
I decided to wet mould the covers and make a mandrel
to wrap them around whilst it dried in shape.
I have tried to make the welt from bits but struggled with
keeping the curve aligned. A little wasteful but this was scrap - £1 for a lb at Batchelors.