Wimpole lathers
Christmas BBQ at Wimpole Hall Herts. 14th December
They did however
on close inspection looked like a quality piece of engineering, yet very light, Gore Tex and memory foam.
Simon has been
experimenting with some scrap copper to make this very nice flower.
I have seen
this forged from steel before and sprayed but this was so much life like with the natural discolouration caused by heat.
This bodger was axing out a cuttlefish shape from a piece of
burr horse chestnut, the wood was an unusually light blue colour.
Later on I loaned him a rather nice adze.
Simon returned
from one of his quick exits with a fresh rabbit from the ferreters working not
too far away. So this was instantly butchered into stir fry and dog food.
Fortunately we were having the stir fry. I joked about
spring onions so leeks were added along with hot spiced apple juice (all
produced by members).
At every meeting the lathers have a themed competition –
this month was shrink pots, mostly from Birch. Simon was judging (well he had
nothing better to do).
Well after all the BBQ stuff, the sweet course, carrot cake
with a carrot knife and carrot decorations.
This did remind me of Wade Batchelor at Spoonfest 2013 and
his spoon carving sessions from carrot.
Now, I was really taken with this idea of finding a very easy material
to work on shapes – a very less resistant material than wood.
Great for kids, even greater for adults - make life easy. Watch the Jogge Sundqvist DVD - he bandsaws spoon blanks!
At some time during the morning we were talking of ferrets, probably whilst Simon was Woking.
This was their chief PR guy, very friendly, (not to rabbits however).
Well, no Wimpole blog on would be complete without a picture
of Simon Damant.
The star of the show.
He was demonstrating his new- ish Nick Westerman crook knife, seen here working on that cuttlefish again.