Saturday 1 June 2013

01-06-13 Saturday
So once again to Abney Park Cemetery on the official monthly meeting for the London group.  The amount of passing trade in this part of North London is growing. Later in the afternoon Jo Clarke was turning people away (but suggesting arriving in the morning next month) as we had run out of space. The tool grant from the Worshipful company of Turners is certainly being put to good use!

This couple from Australia, now living and working in London rocked up straight of the street. They were delighted to have been given the opportunity and the tools to make a couple of spatulas.

One of the traditional and special treats of the meetings is the shared lunch. The clientèle changes every month so then the mix of lunch. Some make bread, grow their own salad, make preserves, make dhall, always buy chips, or cheese... from the Stoke Newington farmers market.

Orlando was busy fitting legs to a hybrid chopping block. Into blind holes with wedges - hence the following images, this one showing the wedge and the saw cut in the leg. The perceived wisdom being a dry leg, a very dry hard wedge and a great deal of judgement.

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